Database Experts: MSSQL, MySQL, PostgreSQL, MongoDB, SQL Lite Developers in Australia

Database Development Solutions to Power Your Business.

We design, develop, and manage custom database solutions that are scalable, secure, and reliable, so you can focus on your core business objectives.

Let's Work Together

Store, Manage and Access Your Data Efficiently

As a business owner or executive, you know that data is essential for making informed decisions. But with the vast amount of data available today, it can be difficult to store, manage, and access it efficiently.

Our database development solutions can help you store, manage, and access your data efficiently so you can make better decisions and grow your business. We'll work with you to understand your unique business needs and develop a custom database solution that is tailored to your specific requirements.

With our database development solutions, you can:

  • Store large amounts of data in a secure and reliable manner.
  • Easily manage and organize your data.
  • Quickly access the data you need to make informed decisions.
  • Generate custom reports and dashboards to analyze your data.

Our database development solutions are used by businesses of all sizes to improve their data management and decision-making capabilities. We can help you too.

Microsoft Sql Server (MSSQL)

Our SQL Server experts design, develop, optimise, and manage SQL databases to securely support scalable business applications and analytics platforms leveraging T-SQL programming, stored procedures, replication, and advanced administration.

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We offer full-service MySQL database development and administration including optimisation, security hardening, stored procedure programming, high availability clustering, backups, and seamless integration with your custom web and mobile applications.

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Our PostgreSQL experts design and optimise relational databases and develop robust backend applications and APIs in PL/pgSQL, supporting JSON, GIS, and multi-tenant systems with security, high availability, and efficient performance.

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We provide specialised MongoDB development and administration including database design, indexing, cluster deployment, cloud migration, security hardening, backup and recovery services to build fast, scalable, and flexible document-based database solutions.

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Our team leverages SQLite, the lightweight open source database, to build reliable on-device storage for your mobile and desktop applications, ensuring fast performance, data integrity, and security without requiring a separate database server.

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Tehcnologies & Platforms Logos

Power Your Applications with Expert Database Development & Trusted Database Developers

Build a strong foundation for your software with our team of skilled database developers. We design, develop, and optimise high-performance databases tailored to your specific needs.

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Trusted Database Expertise: Empowering Businesses with High-Performance Solutions

Discover how our database developers deliver robust data solutions for leading Australian businesses.

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Projects & Case Studies Monitor

Real-World Results: Explore Successful Database Development Projects

Discover how our skilled database developers deliver efficient data solutions for businesses like yours.

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Harness the Power of Your Data

Meet with our team to explore how advanced database solutions can transform your business.

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The C9 Advantage

C9 is dedicated to delivering high-return projects, and we take pride in our client’s long-term loyalty. This is a testament to our quality, professionalism, and the exceptional experience you can expect when working with us.

  • Customised approach
  • Expert Team
  • End-to-end Services
  • Focus on User Experience
  • Ongoing support and maintenance
  • Proven Results 
  • Exceptional Experience
  • Customer-First Mindset

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Frequently Asked Questions About Database Solutions

Our expert DBAs thoroughly analyse your data and usage requirements to architect the ideal database technology, schema, indexes, and infrastructure for optimal performance.

We offer full managed services like upgrades, patching, backups, optimisation, security hardening, high availability, failover, and 24/7 monitoring and support.

Our skilled engineers can seamlessly migrate your databases to leverage optimal open source (Postgres, MySQL) or cloud-native (AWS Aurora, CosmosDB) database platforms according to your needs.

Ensure Optimal Data Management

Talk to our DB experts about strategies to improve your data infrastructure.