Case Study: RHealth - ReferHealth

Middleware Application / Integration

Let's Work Together

Bridging Healthcare Silos With Secure Referral Infrastructure

Managing referrals between GPs and specialists is often an inefficient, manual-heavy process relying on faxes and phone calls. ReferHealth envisioned a streamlined platform enabling transparent referral coordination - but needed backend infrastructure bridging their application to existing medical systems.

Building on deep integration expertise within the healthcare sector, C9 implemented a flexible middleware solution exchanging structured referrals and clinical messages between ReferHealth and practices leveraging platforms like Medical Director.

Following stringent healthcare interoperability standards, C9 application leverages HL7 messaging and modern APIs to interface with common GP environments while maintaining security through protocols like Duo MFA. Custom data pipelines extract referral information from medical databases, format notifications for sending, and ingest responses/updates to update ReferHealth’s tracking module in real time.

The end result is a robust integration fabric allowing the seamless, secure transit of EHR-agnostic referrals between ReferHealth’s management interface and healthcare providers’ systems of choice. By tearing down data silos, the solution saves clinical hours while giving referring doctors transparency into the referral process through a unified platform.

This case study offers insights into the C9 approach delivering seamless, standards-based integration enabling the interoperability imperative in modern healthcare.

To increase the ease of use of referrals between GP’s and specialists through a middleware integration with ReferHealth’s existing platform RHealth. Initial scoping was undertaken and documented before the production of the middleware solution and associated data extraction agents for on site for GP’s. The middleware allows for the sending and receiving of messages and referrals between the GP and specialists.

Key Functionality

Core Technologies