Case Study: Inner Range - Integrated Suite of Custom Website Modules

CMS Website with Custom Module development and Integration / HTML 5 & Kendo UI

Let's Work Together

Inner Range - Custom Integrations Power Security Innovation

As a leading manufacturer of integrated access control, intruder detection, and video management systems, Inner Range required a flexible web platform to showcase their solutions and simplify client training initiatives. They selected C9 to spearhead the development efforts based on our proven expertise building custom enterprise CMS systems.

The initial brief focused on core CMS capabilities and integration with Active Directory for user management. However, by adopting an agile approach focused on continuous client collaboration, the project's scope grew over 1,000 development hours to include bespoke modules for course bookings, payments, document management, and more.

Backed by Kendo UI for responsive design , cloud infrastructure for scalability , and built-in support for single sign-on through Jasig CAS, C9 custom CMS solution provides the robust foundation Inner Range needs to rapidly train new customers and partners. Meanwhile, ongoing access for remote support and maintenance ensures the platform continuously evolves to meet emerging business requirements.

For advanced manufacturers like Inner Range seeking to accelerate growth through cutting-edge training programs, C9 proven expertise delivering future-proof CMS integrations provides unmatched technical capabilities and flexibility. This allows clients to transform customer and partner experiences that give them a competitive edge.

Initially the brief was to build an enterprise grade content management system with integration into Microsoft Active Directory. Using our agile methodology the client saw results early in the project and allowed them to adjust scope, which in turn increased the project from a small web project into a high end integrated suite of modules for user management course booking, payments, file and document portals backed by cloud servers and much more. 

Inner Range host their solution internally, however C9 provide support and maintenance services through root level remote access and have been doing so successfully since the go live deployment 6 months ago. Inner Range continue to report on their satisfaction with the responsiveness of the support provided and have a roadmap of new functionality they wish to develop in the future.

Key Functionality

Core Technologies


Inner Range


Security Hardware Manufacturing


1000+ Hours