Case Study: Grant Broadcasters – Sales Management Portal

Online Sales Management Application / ASP.NET WebForms

Let's Work Together

Centralised Sales Management Drives Revenue Growth for Grant Broadcasters

Grant Broadcasters operates radio stations across Australia, with each local sales team managing their own metrics through disparate systems. Without centralised data or standardised processes, executives lacked visibility into performance, hampering growth.

They partnered with C9 to develop an integrated sales management portal providing transparent visibility into deals, activity, and revenue achievement. Built on ASP.NET WebForms with embedded SQL Server database functionalities, the system consolidated previously siloed information into unified dashboards and reports.

With grantBroadcastersSAP, sales directors gain on-demand access to KPIs like rep-level pipelines, regional performance benchmarks, and forecast accuracy trends. These insights empower fact-based coaching, informed resource allocation, and data-backed strategy planning – ultimately driving 19% YOY revenue expansion since launching the portal.

Development of an online portal for tracking sales highly customised to the requirements of the firm. The client required an activity driven sales tool that focused on revenue allocation over forward planning as well as monthly action results to indicate forecasting on sales staff performance. The system also had to integrate with geographically disparate SQL systems with nightly syncing of critical sales information through webservices.

Key Functionality

Core Technologies


Grant Broadcasters


Broadcasting and Media


400+ Hours