Case Study: 1 Enrol - Hello Australia

Consulting / Ongoing Support / Development

Let's Work Together

Evolving Critical Enrolment Infrastructure for International Education

1Enrol plays a pivotal role managing tens of thousands in international student enrolments across languages, time zones, and regulatory environments. Yet endless customisations left 1Enrol’s platform unwieldy, compromising user experience and administrator efficiency.

As ongoing enhancement partners, C9 spearheaded optimisation efforts transforming 1Enrol into a streamlined, scalable enrolment management engine. Following deep platform analysis, C9 engineers refactored inefficient processes, implemented multi-tenant data architecture, and connected previously siloed systems - including integrating financials and communications platforms.

The result is a radically simplified user interface and leaner data model empowering admin teams to configure tailored online enrolment journeys in minutes. Automated notifications, application tracking, and built-in compliance workflows further ease international admission logistics while real-time reporting provides transparency at every enrolment stage.

This case study offers insights into C9 phased modernisation approach evolving legacy platforms into cloud-ready, extensible solutions able to digitally transform critical business functions.

To provide technical direction, enhancements, support, and maintenance services the existing 1 Enrol platform. The current system is large and requires ongoing support and enhancements and is currently going through a staged optimisation strategy to streamline existing administrative processes for staff.

Key Functionality

Core Technologies


Hello Australia


International Student Enrolments


800+ Hours